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In danger and not safe to speak? 
Dial 999, wait for operator,
then press 55 to be put through to the Police

Women's Aid:


National Domestic Abuse Helpline (also Refuge):

England 0808 2000 247​

Wales 0808 8010 800

Scotland  0800 027 1234

N Ireland. 0808 802 1414


MWNUK Muslim Women's Network UK

0800 999 5796

Support for women experiencing domestic violence


Respect Men's Advice Line:

For men experiencing domestic violence in any relationship

0808 801 0327


Karma Nirvana:

0800 5999 247 (M-F 9am-5pm)

Working to end honour based abuse in the UK


Black and minoritised communities:

Freedom from abuse and violence

01273 622 822

Website has resources and details of other specialist organisations e.g. domestic violence, forced marriage, FGM, wellbeing and mental health support, immigration support

Website language translations include: English, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Farsi, Polish, Urdu

Translators are available on request.


Hourglass (over 60s elder abuse):

Confidential.  To support people, or anyone concerned about an older person at risk of, experiencing or recovering from abuse or neglect.  24/7

0808 808 8141


Victim Support:

0808 1689 111


Rape Crisis (women only):

England and Wales 0808 500 2222

Scotland 08088 01 03 02

N Ireland. 0800 0246 991


Survivors UK (male sexual violence):

13-18 years, 18 years plus

020 3598 3898



Emergency help:   999

In danger and not safe to speak? 

Dial 999, wait for operator, then press 55 to be put through to the Police





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